Labor Spiez, Spiez
Retrofit Horizontal Shock Testing System
In order to test the shock resistance of all kinds of devices such as emergency power systems, pumps, electrical distribution boards, etc., two heavy platforms are positioned upwards on an inclined rail system. The upper platform then crashes into the lower one in a controlled manner, triggering a horizontal shock. As a similar system has already been realised on site with Beckhoff and because the recording of the measurement data has to run very quickly, we used TwinCAT 3 from Beckhoff for the first time. Further projects with this system are sure to follow.
Renewal and Automation Shock Testing Machine
The existing shock test facility (SPM) at Spiez Laboratory had to be renewed. With the SPM, various test specimens can be subjected to a shock (earth shock) in both positive and negative directions. The project was very exciting because the plant did not have any automation before the reconstruction. Now the sequence is processed via the installed PLC, which has significantly simplified operation.
Test Facility for Large NBC Protective Filters
Development of a new test facility for testing the gas absorption capacity of large protective filters.
Test Facility for Air Filters
Development of a new test system for testing air filters for personal protection against industrial pollutants and their breakthrough time.